Author: essind-design

  • Blue Concentrate

    Blue Concentrate

    Heavy-Duty, No-Rinse Cleaner

    Product Number: 02085FC

    An outstanding cleaner for heavily soiled finished floors. It quickly dissolves and suspends grease and soil for rapid removal and is especially effective removing ice melt residue. Its unique formulation eliminates the need for multiple rinses and ensures the best clean the first time.

    Blue Concentrate is an All Systems product (along with Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine) and can be used on: sealed wood, linoleum, rubber, asphalt, synthetic, vinyl, granite, terrazzo, hard tile, concrete and any washable surface.

    Our other All Systems product, Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine is an amazing floor restorer

    Blue Concentrate Product Sheet

    Blue Concentrate SDS

    All Systems LogoBlue Concentrate

    [wptab name=’Features’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-features” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”blue-concentrate” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Directions’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-directions” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”blue-concentrate” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Properties’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-properties” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”blue-concentrate” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Packaging’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-packaging” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”blue-concentrate” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Video 1′][fve][/fve][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Video 2′][fve][/fve][/wptab]


  • Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine Packaging

    Packaging – Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine – 00525FR

    5 Gallon Pail:
    UPC Code: 783366525058
    Pack Size (in.): 12 x 14
    Cube (ft.): 1.17
    Pack Wt. (lbs.): 44.73
    Full Pallet: 36

    4 x 1 Gallon:
    UPC Code: 783366525041
    Pack Size (in.): 13 x 13.5 x 12.5
    Cube (ft.): 1.27
    Pack Wt. (lbs.): 35.36
    Full Pallet: 36

  • Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine Directions

    Directions – Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine – 00525FR

    General Directions**

    Cleaner and Restorer – Auto Scrub and Buff

    1. Dilute at 6 ounces per gallon (48 ml per liter) of water.
    2. With an automatic scrubber and red pad, scrub floor area and pickup.
    3. Allow floor to dry thoroughly.
    4. Burnish floor with high speed machine and appropriate pad (hogs hair for wood).
    5. Dust mop floor.

    Cleaner and Restorer – Mop and Buff

    1. Dilute at 6 ounces per gallon (48 ml per liter) of water.
    2. With a mop and bucket, damp mop floor.
    3. Allow floor to dry thoroughly.
    4. Burnish floor with high speed machine and appropriate pad (hogs hair for wood).
    5. Dust mop floor.

    Restorer – Spray Buff

    1. Dilute at 2-4 ounces per quart (64-128 ml per liter) of water.
    2. Spray fine mist on manageable area of floor (about 800 sq. ft./73 m2).
    3. Let stand for 5 minutes until slightly damp but not completely dry.
    4. Burnish floor with high speed machine and appropriate pad (hogs hair for wood).
    5. Flip pad and buff to high gloss.
    6. Dust mop floor.

    Deep Scrub (prior to recoating)

    1. Dilute 8 ounces per gallon (64 ml per liter) of water.
    2. Apply with mop and scrub with single disk machine or apply and scrub with an auto scrubber and blue pads.
    3. Rinse floor thoroughly with Blue Concentrate (2 oz. per gallon/64 ml per liter) and allow to dry.
    4. Apply 1 to 2 coats of floor finish.


    1. Dilute at 10-12 ounces per gallon (80-96 ml per liter) of cold water.
    2. Use conventional stripping methods.

    Rubber/Wood Prep (prior to recoating)

    1. Dilute 8 ounces per gallon (64 ml per liter) of water.
    2. Apply product to floor in 200 ft² sections. Top scrub with maroon wood prep pad. Floor should be uniformly clean and mark-free.
    3. Pick up soiled solution and continue with 200 ft² sections until entire floor is deep cleaned.
    4. Rinse floor thoroughly with Blue Concentrate (2 oz. per gallon/64 ml per liter) and allow to dry.
    5. Apply finish following label directions.

    ** See label directions and SDS for complete usage and safety instructions.

  • Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine Properties

    Properties – Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine – 00525FR

    • Type – Citrus Cleaner/Restorer
    • Form – Clear Liquid
    • Odor – Citrus
    • Color – Light Yellow
    • Weight per Gallon – 8.33 Lbs.
    • pH – 9.7 – 10.7
    • pH 1% – 7.8
    • Storage Stability – Minimum 1 Year
    • Freeze/Thaw – Passes 3 Cycles
    • Foam Height – Low
    • Coverage – Up to 130,000 Sq. Ft./Gal.

    * Properties are typical and subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.

  • Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine Features

    Features – Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine – 00525FR

    • Use on all resilient, stone and wood floors that are finished to restore to like-new gloss while raising the slip co-efficient
    • Removes embedded soil and repairs scuffs, scratches and dull spots while eliminating powdering
    • Eliminates restorer build-up – contains no wax or polymers
    • Pleasant citrus fragrance
    • Slip-resistant – UL-classified

    For Use As:

    • Cleaner and restorer at 6 ounces per gallon – for use through auto scrubbers or with mop and buff
    • Spray buff at 2-4 ounces per quart
    • Deep scrub cleaner prior to recoating at 8 ounces per gallon
    • Rubber/wood prep prior to recoating at 8 ounces per gallon
    • Stripper at 10-12 ounces per gallon