Author: essind-design

  • Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine

    Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine

    High Speed Cleaner and Restorer

    Product Number: 00525FR

    The technology behind Citrus Scrub ’N Shine is simple but effective and still unmatched by the competition. This inexpensive product is the solution for ANY issue you may be facing with your floor – ghosting, dulling, and blemishes in your finish. Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine easily remedies these problems by softening the top layer of finish and allowing the buffer to “pop” the gloss.

    Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine is an All Systems product (along with Blue Concentrate) and can be used on: sealed wood, linoleum, asphalt, vinyl, marble, hard tile, rubber, synthetic, granite, terrazzo and concrete.

    WARNING: Cancer –

    Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine Product Sheet

    Citrus Scrub ‘N Shine SDS

    All Systems LogoCitrus Scrub 'N Shine

    [wptab name=’Features’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-features” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”citrus-scrub-n-shine” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Directions’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-directions” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”citrus-scrub-n-shine” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Properties’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-properties” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”citrus-scrub-n-shine” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Packaging’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-packaging” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”citrus-scrub-n-shine” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]


  • Sport Kote PC

    Sport Kote PC

    Do you want to see the latest advancement in wood floor care technology?

    Do you want your wood floor coated for FREE?

    In only 10 minutes we’ll tell you why Sport Kote PC is better than your current floor care regimen. Then we’ll coat your gym floor so you can see the results for yourself.

    To learn more about this opportunity, complete the form below and a sales representative will contact you.

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    Video Testimonial


    Photo Gallery

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    Sport Kote PC is the next generation of Sport Kote, the market leading water-based single-component gym finish for the last 15 years. This breakthrough Polycarbonate formula produces remarkable shine and superior durability while retaining the amazing features of the original Sport Kote, including:


    Sport Kote Promise

    For more information…

    Essential Industries, Inc.
    P.O. Box 12 • Merton, Wisconsin 53056
    262-538-1122 •

    Essential Industries, Inc.

  • Sport Kote PC – The Next Generation

    Sport Kote PC – The Next Generation

    Sport Kote PC is the next generation of the Market Leading one-part water-based gym coating.

    What’s different about Sport Kote PC?

    Everything…and nothing.

    Sport Kote PC still delivers our 2 x 5 x 24 Promise, low VOC’s and is MFMA-approved and UL-classified.

    But now it’s made with Polycarbonate, the same material found in the bullet-proof canopy or the U.S. Military’s new F-22 Raptor fighter jets.

    For more information, visit our Sport Kote PC product overview.

    Sport Kote System
    [new_royalslider id=”3″]
  • Sport Kote System

    Sport Kote System

    A Truly Innovative Wood Floor Care System

    Using the specially designed products in the Sport Kote System guarantees the Sport Kote Promise, ensures you’ll get at least a year of outstanding performance from your Sport Kote gym finish, extends the life of your gym floor and saves you money in time, labor and maintenance costs.

    From Seal to Prep to Finish to Maintenance, the Sport Kote System offers exceptional performance and significant savings through innovation.

    Sport Kote PC Brochure

    Sport Kote PC Product Insert

    Sport Kote PC System Flyer

    The Sport Kote SystemThe Sport Kote System Products

    Sport Kote

    Full-matrix self cross-linking technology makes this ultra-rapid curing finish highly durable. You can play on it the next day and it’s good for a year with proper maintenance.

    Sport Kote PC

    Sport Kote PC is the next generation of Sport Kote, the market leading water-based single-component gym finish for the last 15 years.

    Satin Sport Kote

    Sport Kote with a satin finish. Full-matrix self cross-linking technology makes this ultra-rapid curing finish highly durable. You can play on it the next day and it’s good for a year with proper maintenance.

    Sport Clean

    A restorative cleaner that enhances the durability and extends the life of Sport Kote gym finish.

    Sport Tack

    A versatile dual-purpose, wood floor cleaner used to clean or tack your wood floor.

    Sport Prep

    A deep cleaning prep solution which ensures maximum adhesion of Sport Kote gym finish.

    Sport Seal

    A fast-drying, water-based floor seal that builds quickly and dramatically reduces the risk of sidebonding.

    Sport Kote System Logos

  • Sport Kote®

    Sport Kote®

    Water-Based Urethane Wood Finish

    Product Number: 00222SF

    Full-matrix self cross-linking technology makes this ultra-rapid curing finish highly durable. There’s no sanding, catalyst or messy glues. Because it’s a single-component finish, you just pour and go. You can play on it the next day and it’s good for a year with proper maintenance. 500 million square feet of wood floor finished with Sport Kote says it all!

    Sport Kote is part of the Sport Kote System.

    WARNING: Reproductive Harm –

    Sport Kote Product Sheet

    Sport Kote SDS

    Sport Kote SystemSport Kote

    [wptab name=’Features’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-features” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”sport-kote” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Directions’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-directions” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”sport-kote” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Properties’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-properties” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”sport-kote” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Packaging’][display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”product-packaging” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”sport-kote” include_content=”true” wrapper=”div” include_title=”false”][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Video’][fve][/fve][/wptab]

    [wptab name=’Testimonials’][display-posts post_type=”testimonial” taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”testimonials” taxonomy_2=”product-brand” tax_2_term=”sport-kote” posts_per_page=”10″ include_excerpt=”true” wrapper=”ul” include_title=”true”]

    View More Testimonials…
